Ordinary Wonder Woman
and recently published author
The Huge Life of an Ordinary Wonder Woman: A Memoir of Learning to Love It All is the book I longed to read when I was in the striving-madly-on-all-fronts phase of my life, when I was seeking answers to how to juggle it all without losing myself or what was most important to me in the process.
Even then, as a younger woman, I knew there wasn’t a recipe for how to live life to the fullest, but I believed in the beauty of the tiny, ordinary moments of connection and the awe of human potential. I wished for a book to help me understand these big concepts, not through self-help jargon, but through sweet and sad stories that I could relate to my own life (reading fiction was my gift to myself, whenever I could squeeze it in.)
This book is my account of my journey of self-discovery, begun as a young woman striving to live it right, but only fully catalyzed when I was diagnosed with both breast and skin cancer in my mid-50s. With the help of many loved ones, friends, and mentors along the way, I made it through the stressful years as an ordinary Wonder Woman. But after my cancer diagnoses, it took working with a guide on my spiritual journey and a group of fellow seekers to help me finally learn how to slow down, fully experience all parts of my life (even adversities), and become, well, more fully human.